India continues to solidify its position as a global economic powerhouse
India’s economic prowess continues to shine on the global stage, with the country poised to retain its status as the fastest-growing major economy in 2024.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated this achievement earlier this week, highlighting the nation’s impressive real GDP growth rate of 7% for the year, as projected by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This growth not only cements India's leadership among the world's largest economies but also outpaces other major players like the United States and China, marking a significant milestone in the country's economic journey.
The IMF's July 2024 World Economic Outlook update is closely watched by global economists and policymakers as an indicator of broader economic trends. The report places India at the top of the list of the 10 fastest-growing major economies, projecting a real GDP growth rate of 7% for 2024. In comparison, the United States and China, two of the world’s largest economies, are expected to grow at 2.6% and 5%, respectively.
This robust growth trajectory follows India’s strong economic performance in recent years. Even in 2022 and 2023, India led the world in GDP growth among major economies, surpassing both the US and China. The sustained growth is a testament to India’s resilience in the face of global economic challenges and its strategic approach to economic policy.
Prime Minister Modi took to social media platform X on Tuesday (August 27, 2024) to express his pride in India’s economic achievements. The PMO India account shared, “Top Ten Fastest Growing Major Economies in the World 2024: India Beats U.S., China in the Ranking!” This announcement has been met with widespread acclaim, both domestically and internationally, as India continues to solidify its position as a global economic powerhouse.
In addition to the IMF's projections, the World Bank’s June 2024 Global Economic Prospects report also underscores India’s strong economic position. The report confirms that India is set to remain the fastest-growing major economy globally, even as its growth rate moderates slightly in the coming years. The World Bank has maintained its GDP growth forecast for India at 6.6% for FY25, reflecting a slight deceleration from the 7% projected by the IMF for the current year.
The World Bank attributes this moderation to a slowdown in investment growth from a high base, yet it emphasizes that investment in India remains robust. Strong public investment, coupled with a rise in private investment, continues to drive the country's economic momentum. The report further predicts an average growth rate of 6.7% annually for India over the three fiscal years starting from FY25, indicating a sustained period of economic expansion.
India’s economic growth in recent years has been bolstered by its industrial and services sectors, which have played a crucial role in offsetting challenges in other areas, such as agricultural production impacted by monsoon disruptions. The World Bank notes that domestic demand in India remains strong, supported by significant infrastructure investments, even as the post-pandemic surge in consumption begins to taper.
Stable Monetary Environment 
India’s economic success is also reflected in its stable monetary environment. Inflation in the country has remained within the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) target range of 2-6% since September 2023. This stability has provided a conducive environment for continued economic growth, as the RBI has been able to maintain a balanced approach to monetary policy.
The RBI, in its recent Monetary Policy announcement, forecasted GDP growth at 7.2% for FY25, slightly higher than earlier projections. This optimistic outlook is supported by strong economic indicators, including a robust performance in the January-March quarter of 2024, where India's GDP growth reached 7.8%, surpassing expectations. Although this was a decline from the previous quarter’s growth of 8.4%, it still represents a strong finish to the fiscal year, with the overall GDP growth for 2023-24 revised upwards to 8.2%.
On the fiscal front, India has made significant progress in reducing its fiscal deficit relative to GDP, thanks to increased revenues from a broadened tax base. The World Bank report also notes improvements in the fiscal health of other South Asian countries, though the scale of these improvements remains smaller compared to India.
Despite the positive outlook, both the IMF and the World Bank caution that India, like other global economies, faces several challenges. The World Bank’s report highlights potential downside risks, including disruptions in global commodity markets, abrupt fiscal consolidations, financial instability, and the impacts of climate change. Additionally, slower-than-expected growth in key regions like China and Europe could also pose challenges for India’s economy.
However, India’s economic resilience and strategic policy measures have positioned the country to navigate these challenges effectively. The World Bank’s forecast for global growth remains subdued by historical standards, with growth anticipated to be 2.6% for 2024-25, slightly higher than previous estimates. Despite these global headwinds, India’s strong domestic fundamentals are expected to sustain its growth trajectory.
India's Pivotal Role in Driving Regional Growth 
India’s continued economic success has significant implications not just for the country but also for the broader South Asian region and the global economy. As the largest economy in South Asia, India plays a pivotal role in driving regional growth, particularly through its dynamic manufacturing and services sectors.
The World Bank report notes that steady growth in India is expected to keep the South Asian region’s overall growth rate at 6.2% in 2025-26, despite a slowdown from the high growth rates seen in recent years. Other economies in the region, such as Bangladesh, are also expected to maintain robust growth, though at a slower pace. Meanwhile, economic activities in Pakistan and Sri Lanka are anticipated to strengthen, despite ongoing challenges.
India’s leadership in economic growth has also reinforced its role in global economic forums, where it continues to advocate for policies that support sustainable development and global cooperation. The World Bank emphasizes the need for global collaboration to address shared challenges, such as trade fragmentation, climate-related risks, and the need for green and digital transitions. India’s active participation in these discussions is crucial to ensuring that the global economy remains on a path of inclusive growth and stability.
As India continues to outpace other major economies in terms of growth, the country’s economic trajectory serves as a model of resilience, strategic policy, and robust domestic demand. With a stable macroeconomic environment and strong fundamentals, India is well-positioned to sustain its growth momentum in the years ahead, even as global economic conditions remain challenging.
Prime Minister Modi’s celebration of India’s economic achievements reflects a broader sense of optimism and confidence in the country’s future. As the world’s fastest-growing major economy, India’s role on the global stage is more significant than ever, offering a beacon of hope and stability in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.